Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bin Laden is Dead

I was watching television when his news alert popped up...

Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Bin Laden

So, this brings up a big question that spawns more questions. What happens next?
  • He was found smack dab in the middle of Pakistan.Did they know? Were they hiding him?
  • Can we get out of Afghanistan now, since we said we were there to find him?
  • Will there be any retaliation?
  • Can we leave Iraq now, since we used him as a flimsy excuse to be there in the first place?

Portland Gentrification and Its Effect on Cultural Diversity

To kick this off, I read this today on
In Portland's heart, 2010 Census shows diversity dwindling

The first statement in the article made me groan:

Portland, already the whitest major city in the country, has become whiter at its core even as surrounding areas have grown more diverse.-
I posted on my Facebook this response,
Coexist... please... I see all those bumper stickers everywhere, yet we segregate more everyday... So tell me, dear Portland, why do we not do something to stop living up to our reputation as one of the least diverse cities? Everyone here wants to appear so liberal and open-minded, as long as it doesn't include racial diversity I guess. I like it here but when I read things like this, it causes me to pause...
I see these on every "liberal's" car in town.

 In the article by